Indian Republic Day 2023 - Theme, Celebration, Quotes, Quiz - Entri Blog (2025)

Republic Day is observed on 26th January in India with resplendence and magnificence. Republic day is the celebration of the ending of colonial rule and the declaration of freedom by India. National flag hoisting in diverse domains of the nation is the major peculiarity of the day. Majestic processions at Janpath, New Delhi, which includes the proud Indian army are the major attraction of republic day. This year marks India’s 74rd Republic Day and the Nation is waiting for the day to be celebrated with splendor. Know more about the republic day 2023 celebration.

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Republic Day 2023 – Significance

India gained independence from the so-called cruel period of British rule, after the assertion of freedom, On 26th January, a new constitution was drafted. The constitution was drafted by a commission navigated by Dr.BR Ambedkar. on26 January 1950, the Indian Constitution reached into impact. The Indian constitution marks a significant milestone that proclaimed India’s presence as a self-sustaining Independent republic nation. The Indian National Congress announced Purna Swaraj on January 26th and the same day was chosen by the Indian government to be celebrated as the Indian Independence Day. In 1930, the colonial rule came to an end and this is the same day of the celebration of the Indian Republic Day.

Republic Day 2023 Theme

In a first, all Central Armed Police Forces (CAPF) will showcase a common tableau for the 2023 Republic Day Parade, with the theme of this year being ‘Nari Shakti’.

Republic day is celebrated annually to commemorated the struggles that the Indian Nation ha faced in the wake of the brutal colonial rule. The colonization had a devastating effect upon the lives of the people in India. The importance of freedom is given more significance while celebrating Republic Day 2023. The republic day reminds us of the importance of freedom or liberation from the clutches of the dark evil forces that aims to destroy our nation.

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Republic Day 2023 Celebration

Republic Day is celebrated annually with great zeal and splendor. Every Indian citizen is taking pride in celebrating the freedom of the nation. The constitution of the independent India is being honored and devoted on this particular day.

National flag hoisting in academies and universities are standard ways of celebrating Republic day annually. Cultural occurrences advocating India’s scrabble for liberation is harbored nationwide. The national flag is upheaved by the President of India at India Gate in New Delhi every year.

The most extravagant and luxurious parades brings more grandeur feeling to the republic day celebration. The grand parades are conducted at Rajpath, New Delhi. The procession is governed over by the Indian President. The parade is organized and conducted under the observance of the Ministry of Defense. India’s diverse culture is demonstrated on that particular day.

The occasion also delivers commendation to the brave martyrs who have renounced their lives for the motherland. A 21-gun salute is the major attraction of the republic day celebration. the national flag hoisting, and signing of the national anthem together are the common procedures for the Republic day celebration. brave soldiers are presented with honor awards like Ashok Chakra, Vir Chakra and Paramvir Chakra. The Prime Minister of India glorifies and pays devotion to the martyrs by positioning a garland at the Amar Jawan Jyoti at India Gate.

The champions of chivalry accolades compliment the President in service jeeps. military power is demonstrated by the nation. March-past by the armed forces, National Cadet Corps, police is there. The procession completes when the Indian Air Force fighter jets fly above Janpath. All over India, republic day is celebrated. Despite of Corona, the nation is preparing to celebrate its liberation from British rule. Republic Day indicates the respectable and exemplary essence of Independent India.

India Holiday: January 26th 2023

Republic day wad celebrated on 26th January 2023. the Indian constitution was embraced by the Indian Constituency Assembly on 26 November 1949. The Indian constitution came into being on 26 January 1950 . The democracy was established. .This day is observed as a public holiday. Commercial outlets, trade organizations, business kingdoms, organizations, institutions etc. shall remain closed or shall reduced the working hours.

Republic Day 2023 Quotes

  • “Faith is the bird that feels the light when the dawn is still dark” – Rabindranath Tagore
  • “Every Indian should now forget that he is a Rajput, a Sikh or a Jat. He must remember that he is an Indian.” – Sardar Patel
  • “So long as you do not achieve social liberty, whatever freedom is provided by the law is of no avail to you” – BR Ambedkar
  • Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes” – Mahatma Gandhi
  • “An eye for eye only ends up making the whole world blind” – Mahatma Gandhi
  • “I measure the progress of a community by the degree of progress which women have achieved” – BR Ambedkar

Republic Day 2023 Quiz

  • Who is known as ‘The father of the Indian Constitution?

Ans: B. R Ambedkar

  • Who takes salute on Republic Day at Rajpath, New Delhi?


  • When India adopted the constitution of India?

Ans: 26th January 1950

  • Who hosts flags in the state capitals on Republic Day?

Ans: Governor

  • When are the national bravery awards presented to the citizens?

Ans: 26th January

  • From where the Republic Day Parade starts?

Ans: Rashtrapati Bhavan

  • The Indian Constitution was prepared in how many days?

Ans: 2 years 11 months 18 days

  • How many Gun Salutes are presented to the President on Republic Day?

Ans: 21

  • What did the Param Vir Chakra replace when India became a Republic?

Ans: Victoria Cross

  • Which day the Beating Retreat Ceremony takes place?

Ans: January 29th

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Indian Republic Day 2023 - Theme, Celebration, Quotes, Quiz - Entri Blog (2025)
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